Frequently asked questions.
Why are you called Woodside Financial Services LLC?
Because an insurance decision is a financial decision from the amount of premium that is paid to how the bills are paid when a need arises. Woodside comes from our location in the woods and the strength represented in the oak tree.
What does it mean that you are independent insurance brokers?
It means that we aren’t a captive agent with just one insurance company with the sole purpose of convincing you that they have the best product. We are able to work with the insurance companies available in the area, allowing us to learn your individual needs, and recommend coverage based on those needs. It’s like one stop shopping so you don’t have to sort through all of the advertising jargon telling you why each company has the “best” option.
I know exactly what coverage I want already, why shouldn’t I just sign up directly with the company?
We are your advocates if you have a billing or claim concern working with the insurance company on your behalf. Coverages can change from year to year so we keep analyzing the available options and may make suggestions for coverage changes as this occurs. We live in the local area so we understand your needs better than the call center agent sitting several states away. Plus, using our services costs you nothing additional versus going directly with the company.
If I don’t pay for your services, how do you get paid?
We are compensated by commissions through the company directly. Your premium amount isn’t affected by using our services versus going to the company directly. What you gain is years of experience, unbiased representation of the locally available coverages, and someone who is on your side should claims issues arise.
How can there be plans where I pay $0 per month?
If you are under 65 and getting your health insurance through the Health Insurance Marketplace based on your income you could be receiving a premium tax credit that meets or exceeds the total monthly premium.
If you are over 65 and on Medicare you could be in a Medicare Advantage plan with a set $0 monthly premium. You will be paying your Part B premium each month plus co-pays and coinsurance when you use your plan’s benefits. The rest of the funds come from Medicare paying private insurers a fixed amount every month to administer the Medicare Advantage plan.